
Angelika Schulz-Fuss

Mag. Angelika Schulz-Fuss, MBA

Career history

  • 2001 – present: Management consultant specialising in strategy advice, organisational development and corporate culture development processes
  • Management trainer, management (negotiation) coach and systemic coach
  • 2004 – present: University lecturer at the Johannes Kepler University Linz in strategic management
  • Developed the integrated IRRE® principle and teaches it to many national and international companies
  • Author of the books IRRE® Negotiation, 3rd edition, published 11/2022 by impactmanagement GmbH, 2nd edition, published 11/2012 by MANZ-Verlag, and IRRE®einfach verhandeln (Negotiating Made Simple with IRRE®), published 12/2009 by MANZ-Verlag
  • 16 years of professional experience in banking (asset management and financing)

Main training and further education courses

Degree in social economy from the Johannes Kepler University Linz

MBA from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, CA

Currently enrolled on a master’s course in cognitive neuroscience

Scientific trainer course (associate and advanced – completed with TÜV examinations) under the tutelage of Prof. Hütter at Net of Brains

Neuroscience & Future Learning in VR bei Net of Brains, Prof. Dr. Franz Hütter

Certified trainer in hypnosystemic concepts for advising and coaching (die esche with Dr Gunther Schmid)

Certified trainer in intuitive archery, incl. neurosystemic advising

Certified systemic coach (die esche)

Certified trainer in systemic competence in change processes (Training and Development, Organisation Development) (ISB Wiesloch, D)

Transitioning from an In-Person Trainer to an Online Trainer (Anna Langheiter)

Art of Negotiation (University of California, Irvine; Prof. Sue Robins)

Successful Negotiations (University of Michigan; Prof. Georg Siedel)

High Impact Tools (Arpito Storms)

Systemic structural constellations in coaching and team and organisation development (Insa Sparrer)

Behavioural Economics (University of Toronto; Prof. Dilip Soman)

Learning How to Learn – powerful mental tools (University of California -San Diego, Dr. Barbara Oakley, Prof. Terrence Sejnowski);

Solution-Focused Short-Term Therapy (Steve dé Shazer, PhD)

Reteaming (Ben Furman)

Conference Model – Creating the Engaged Organization  (Richard Axelrod, phD)

Pre- und Postmerger Management (Sonja Radatz)

Introduction to Negotiation: A strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator (Yale University, Barry Nalebuff)

Our network

Impactmanagement is integrated into a network of experienced trainers. We are therefore able to cover large projects as well as smaller ones and select the most experienced advisor or trainer for the respective project.