IRRE® negotiation – the book
The IRRE® negotiation book provides lots of suggestions und answers to questions such as
- Creating added value is all well and good, but how exactly does it work?
- How do I get the person I’m talking to to trust me, knowing that an honest exchange of information has to be based on trust?
- The person I’m negotiating with is annoying me or scaring me or I can’t take them seriously. How can I negotiate with confidence, appreciation and success anyway?
- How do I react professionally to malicious negotiating tactics?
- How do I negotiate successfully even if I’ve had no time to prepare?
- How can stalemate situations be resolved?
- What if the party I’m talking to doesn’t want to negotiate? (This could happen when I’m trying to acquire a new customer, for example.)
- How can I create added value even in price or salary negotiations and escape the price spiral?
- How can I consciously shape my reputation and my image?
- How can I develop creative, unique and stable solutions in negotiations?
- What can I learn from negotiations that are less than ideal? How can I use reflection as a basis for improvement?
The IRRE® book is a tried-and-tested guide that will enable you to negotiate successfully both in your professional life and your private life. It is clear and compact, and includes lots of suggestions, examples, tips and checklists..
Happy reading!
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